John Simmons, MD is a family physician in Spartanburg, SC. He is certified by the Center for Mind Body Medicine as a Mind Body skills trainer. John offers meditation training in a class format over a 6-8 week period as well as short session interventions for stress management. Since being certified, John has trained over 250 persons in a class format.
At mid-career, John completed studies for a Doctorate in Ministry. His focus in the D. Min. program was on spiritual development, specifically spirituality and healing. In addition to the mind body training, John offers retreats focusing on spirituality and healing.
John spends much of his time as a physician navigator or ombudsman, helping patients understand and navigate the health system. This activity has involved dealing with many patients in “end of life” situations. It is an activity where mind body skills are extremely valuable.
Finally, John is passionate about environmental issues. He founded a faith group in Spartanburg called Spartanburg Green Congregations. It focuses on the use of the pulpit and congregational lecterns to educate parishioners regarding “caring for the creation” as well as supporting local efforts regarding environmental care. John also teaches a class on Health and the Environment at Wofford College, a local liberal arts school. In the Wofford Adult Life Long Learning program, John teaches a meditation class.