In the aftermath of the February 14th shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD), Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) shared with CMBM the urgent need for a community-wide stress and trauma-relief response. In July 2018, with generous support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, CMBM and BCPS launched the Comprehensive Wellness Program for Broward County. Together we are bringing CMBM’s transformational model of self-awareness, self-care, and group support to the Broward County School District and communities throughout the county.
Since the summer of 2018, CMBM and BCPS has brought together over 450 teachers, parents, clinicians, and service providers from across the county for CMBM’s signature, two-part training in mind-body medicine.
This July, CMBM, BCPS, and Children’s Services Council (CSC) will begin the next phase of this exciting program, and invite you to join our 2021 training. You will learn the biology and psychology of stress and trauma alongside a comprehensive set of mind-body medicine techniques. In the Initial Training, you will experience CMBM’s evidence-based techniques and powerful small group model, alleviating your own stress, trauma, and burnout. In the Advanced Training, you will learn how to bring CMBM’s model to the students and families with whom you work.
What’s Involved for Participants
This is a two-part training program and full attendance is required for both programs.
- Initial Training: July 12-15, 2021
- Advanced Training: July 22 & 26-29, 2021
Training days will typically be from 9:00am – 5:00pm. The training will be entirely online, via Zoom.
By applying, you also commit to co-leading at least one workshop and two, 8-week mind-body skills groups during the year under the supervision of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) faculty. Priority will be given to those who apply with 2-4 people from a given organization or institution to ensure that you will be able to work with a co-facilitator and have ongoing institutional support.