Additional Outcomes of CMBM Interventions

Pine Ridge Reservation

Between December 2014 and December 2015, 22 young people living on Pine Ridge Reservation, ages 11-25, took their own lives — 200 more attempted suicide. In the 3 years since CMBM began implementing a Reservation-wide program with all Tribal Schools, there have been 2 youth suicides and trips to the emergency room for suicidal ideation have decreased dramatically.


Trainee testimonials demonstrate increased compassion and increased ability to communicate in CMBM’s joint programs with Albanians and Serbs in post-war Kosovo, Palestinians and Israelis, and with leaders of religious factions in Haiti who had, until they met us, feared and demonized one another.

Eskenazi Health

After a hospital-wide CMBM program, the steep rise in employee healthcare costs halted. Before the program costs had been increasing by 5% a year for several years; 18 months after the CMBM program, they were up by only 1%. CMBM also led changes in cafeteria offerings and services that led to a 400% increase in revenue.