Ranjbar N, Ricker M, Villagomez A. The Integrative Psychiatry Curriculum: Development of an Innovative Model. [Published April 4, 2019] Glob Adv Health Med. 2019;8:2164956119847118.
This paper describes the development of a required Integrative Psychiatry Curriculum (IPC) for all residents and fellows at the University of Arizona that began in 2015. The IPC includes Introduction to Integrative Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Physician Well-Being, Motivational Interviewing, Neural and Mental Health, Complementary Medicine, Dietary Supplements, Nutrition, and Special Topics. The Mind-Body Medicine component involves 10 weeks of Mind-Body Skills Groups (MGSGs). Responses to the MBSGs were very positive across all years of the IPC. Participants noted that they adopted the mind–body techniques for their own selfcare and utilized the techniques in their patient encounters.