Dr. Adair Look is a member of the CMBM Faculty and Supervision Team as a Faculty Supervisor. Certified in Mind-Body Medicine, Dr. Look has been involved in CMBM trainings since the Northern California fires in 2017. She is on the board of the Sonoma County Resilience Collaborative, and has led in-person and online Mind-Body Skills Groups.
Dr. Look is a board-certified psychiatrist and is in private practice in Sebastopol, California. She has incorporated mindfulness and meditation, as well as in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, into her medical practice, reflecting the full range of approaches in current psychiatry. In conjunction with her private practice, Dr. Look has served as lead psychiatrist for several local health clinics, most recently as Medical Director for the Willa Wellness Center, an eating disorder treatment center in Petaluma, CA. She aims to incorporate the CMBM model into her work there.
Dr. Look earned her MD at the North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, and completed her training at Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital Adult Psychiatry Residency. Dr. Look trained in the Harvard Eating Disorders Program and was the eating disorders specialist at Harvard University Health Services. She then moved to San Francisco and was on the faculty at California Pacific Medical Center residency program, as well as the head of the women’s health program within the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Look lives with her partner, three children, and many chickens, pigs, cats, dogs and geese.