Beret Anne Skroch, Psy.D., LP is a clinical psychologist for the VA Health Care System in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a Joint Commission accredited tertiary care and Clinical Referral Level I Facility that provides comprehensive health care services to nearly 90,000 veterans. She is the Program Manager for the Primary Care-Mental Health Integration Team assisting primary care providers in the recognition, treatment, and management of mental health problems within the primary care population. She is actively involved in training pre- and post-doctoral psychology trainees. Beret is a member of the center’s integrated care committee, dedicated to honoring America’s veterans and VA staff by promoting and facilitating the incorporation of integrative care through education, service, and research. She has been facilitating weekly Mind Body Skills Groups for veterans since 2008. Prior to joining the VA Health Care System, Beret served nine years as a Naval Officer and psychologist in the United States Navy. She has worked closely with CMBM to bring their “Healing the Wounds of War” program into the VA Midwest Healthcare Network.