Heather Alfano is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. Heather currently lives in Western, North Carolina. Heather uses mind body skills in her work with kids, teens, and adults both individually and in groups. Heather also facilitates yoga therapy with people who are in recovery.
Heather has received her certification in Mind Body Skills at the Center for Mind Body Medicine in Washington, DC.
Heather has completed 3 200 hour yoga teacher trainings from Silver Lotus in Rehoboth, DE, Jaya Yoga in Brooklyn, NY, and has completed a yoga for mental health professionals at Subtle Yoga in Asheville, NC. Heather has a certification in children’s yoga teacher training from Asana Alphabet in New York, NY. Currently, Heather is working towards completing her 300 hour teacher training at Kripalu in Lenox, MA.
Heather also holds a certification In Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.