Trainer of Trainers working with community health agents, educators, grassroots associations leaders, to support them in developing the skills needed to identify people afflicted with psychosomatic and other health troubles related to the January 12th., 2010 earthquake (Coalition Israelienne Pour Le Trauma, ITT/JDC/NATHAN). Provided training for parents of disabled/special needs children, aiming to foster acceptance and appropriate response to daily challenges, discrimination and prejudices (Centre D’Education Speciale, CES).
In her work with adolescent girls dealing with psychosomatic issues at a catholic school in Port-au-Prince (Coeur Immacule De Marie), she extensively applies and teaches mind-body skills and techniques to pupils and teacher alike – many of them dealing with rape, divorce, and financial hardship. Finds the techniques to be the most efficient way to release oneself into the fullness of the present moment.