Dr. Mark Pettus is a board certified Internist, Nephrologist and Integrative medicine physician practicing for over 25 years. He received his A.B. from Boston University and his M.D. from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. His postdoctoral training was at Harvard Medical School. He completed his renal fellowship at The Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Dr. Pettus is also an alumnus of The Advanced Program for Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, and Mediation at The Harvard School of Public Health.
He currently serves as Director of Medical Education, Wellness and Population Health at Berkshire Health Systems in Western Massachusetts. He also serves as an Associate Dean of Medical Education and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is the author of two books; The Savvy Patient: The Ultimate Advocate For Quality Health Care and It’s All in Your Head: Change Your Mind, Change Your Health, and Change Your Life.. Dr. Pettus has appeared on numerous TV and Radio venues nationally including Good Morning America, NPR and PBS.