Mary Jane White is a clinician in Houston, Texas, who has used mind-body skills in her professional and personal life since 1992. Throughout the 90s, she was the Director of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at a large hospital system in Houston – this was an affiliate clinic of the Beth Israel-Deaconess Mind/Body Medical Institute begun by Dr. Herbert Benson. Mary Jane was also part of a team that trained clinicians throughout the United States to use mind-body skills in their respective practices to help patients manage the stress of chronic illnesses.
Mary Jane has been involved with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine for the past two years, including completing the Advanced Training as well as becoming Certified with CMBM. She is also part of the leadership team for the Greater Houston Healing Collaborative, a joint effort with the Institute for Spirituality and Healing, several other Houston organizations, and CMBM to provide care and support to those affected by Hurricane Harvey (actually the entire city).
Mary Jane led several groups in 2018, as well as workshops, and has continued to deepen her understanding and genuine love for this work as she has moved forward. She presently has a part-time practice in Spiritual Counseling, and continues to stay involved with CMBM. Mary Jane is also an artist who does collage, makes jewelry and designs purses. AND, she loves animals.