Patrick was born in the healing waters of Hot Springs (Mini Kata) SD, waters long considered sacred to the Lakota which still inhabit the Black Hills and where Patrick resides, which is Rapid City, SD. Patrick is an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota through his mother’s side. When Patrick was 5 years old his family moved him to Alliance, NE. In Alliance, Patrick pursued 12 years of Catholic education and along the way way became an all state Quarterback back when football was still Divine in Nebraska. After attending the University of NE for a couple years, Patrick left for the Seminary in both Kentucky where he got a Philosophy Degree and than on to Philadelphia for another 4 years to study Theology. After 12 years in the Catholic Priesthood, Patrick left ministry, earned a Masters in Counseling and returned to the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations to work as a Theology teacher and a Psychotherapist. After 9 years on the Rosebud, Patrick Married and he and his wife moved to Rapid City, SD. While in Rapid City, SD, working as a Therapist, Patrick obtained a Master’s in Culture and Spirituality and was certified by the Center for Mind Body Medicine. Patrick has used his certification not only in his practice but to teach and lead groups at his work place, which hires over 200 employees and also has returned to the reservation to help with ongoing training’s on the Pine Ridge affecting up to a thousand or more Pine Ridge relatives and members.
And what is Earth’s eye, tongue, or heart else, where
Else, but in dear and dogged man?G.M. Hopkins
you truly exist where you love not merely where you live.