Last month, we were honored to celebrate Cindy Seltzer, President and CEO of Children’s Services Council of Broward County (CSC), and CSC’s 20 years of service to the Broward County community. CMBM Executive Director, Rosemary Lombard, M.Ed, MBA, was thrilled to join our friends, colleagues, and collaborators, including Dr. Vickie Cartwright, Superintendent of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), in marking this important milestone at the Youth Summit Series Finale.
We are grateful for our years-long partnership with BCPS and CSC, and are proud of the programs we have co-created to improve the lives of children and families in the community.
One of the highlights of the event was an amazing youth panel. Before the panelists took the stage to share their ideas about the future, CSC Programs Manager Jennifer Wennberg led them in mind-body skills—just one of the many ways in which our Broward partners have integrated mind-body approaches into their lives and work.