CMBM Country Director for Haiti, Linda Métayer, MA, MPH, and our committed local Faculty are doing amazing work, bringing evidence-based skills for self-care to Haiti. Here’s what the CMBM Haiti team has been up to lately.
“All CMBM leaders working with children from Cité Soleil who have taken refuge in Saint Louis De Gonzague”. (August 2022)

“Closing of summer camp with the children of Cité Soleil with brother Valmyr! These children were able to let off steam and have healthy fun! Look at the joy on their faces!” (August 2022)

“Talk on stress management with Brother Valmyr and members of the Emmanuel community in Haiti.” (November 2022)

“Training on Stress Management with some employees of Norwich Outreach in Haiti. Three days spent learning techniques to be able to help the population! Once again, we thank NOHA for their trust!” (January 2023)

“Many children in Cité Soleil had to leave their homes in a hurry following episodes of extreme violence. In this video, they are doing a movement exercise that releases tension! The CMBM has had to work with these children who more than anything now deserve assistance! They are traumatized, they are afraid, they have lost hope. The techniques of the CMBM allowed them to let off steam to get better but also to be better armed each time they find themselves in a difficult situation.” (August 2022)
Translated from French.
For more updates, be sure to follow CMBM Haiti on Facebook.