Free Webinar, Lesson 1: “A Natural Approach for Treating Depression” series

October 24, 2008

By James S. Gordon MD

Title: Webinar: “A Natural Approach for Treating Depression” series: Lesson 1:
Description: A 4-part free webinar by Dr. James S. Gordon on the approaches he describes in “Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression.”

Lesson 1 – An Overview of Depression and How You Can Treat it Yourself with the Help of a Guide.

Key Lessons: Prescription drugs aren’t the only answer; people can use simple techniques to treat their condition; people should work with their doctor and find a guide to help them through the process; depression is not a disease, but a condition in which peoples’ lives are out of balance, or “stuck.” (Participants should read the excerpt from the Introduction of Unstuck in the Unstuck Pack, available at

Start Time: 08:30:00 pm EST
Date: November 18, 2008