“We are committed to sharing our program of self-care and group support with everyone who wants and needs it. For 25 years, we have been offering scholarships to communities of the underserved and those who work with them. Our whole team welcomes your inquiries and applications.”
-James S. Gordon
Who do we provide scholarships to?
We provide scholarships to people who work with underseved communities, providers who work with Military and Veterans and/or their families, and those working with children in crisis. We also provided scholarships for people who work on medical school faculty who have a need for financial assistance.
Why does CMBM provide scholarships?
Quite simply, we believe in our work. We want to provide people with the self-awareness and self-care tools that has been proven successful in war-torn countries, hospital settings, therapist offices, and individuals’ homes. Our model can reduce stress in even the most traumatized populations. However, we also realize that often times the populations who are in most need of this work are also the ones who can least afford it. By providing scholarships to people who work with underserved populations, we are able to ensure our healing practices are reaching those who could most benefit.
Who underwrites the scholarships?
Individuals are the biggest underwriters of the scholarships. Donations can be made that will directly provide scholarships for our trainings. You can support scholarships here. Scholarships are supplemented by CMBM itself, but we have limited resources. The more donations we receive, the more scholarships we can provide, and the more people we can reach.
How can someone apply?
The application for scholarships can be found here.