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Day 1 of the Training- Jacmel, Haiti
120 trainees and 40 international faculty, interns, interpreters and staff come together in Haiti's Soeurs…
Arriving in Jacmel
At the community center in Jacmel, faculty, Haitian interns, and seasoned trainees come together to…
In Haiti
Trainees in Jacmel, Haiti will learn the science and practice of self-care, in a supportive…
Interview: Dr. James Gordon at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium
Dr. Sandi Scheinbaum interviews Dr. James Gordon, director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and…
Report from the Field: Mind-Body with the Lakota at Pine Ridge
“I am in awe of the experience that taught me that a people can be…
Happy Valentine's Day
And my heart keeps opening, on the phone to friends and colleagues, on the screen…
A New Way to Think of Lovingkindness
He suggests treating yourself as you would a dear friend or loved one. Speak gently,…
Mind-Body Bookshelf: Learning to Breathe
She made a decision to spend a year seeing if meditation and other mind-body techniques…
The Magic of Presence
And then the magic happened, like it does every time-- a magic that comes from…
Sadness in Winning
An unfamiliar mixed emotion overtook my nine year old son, Gabriel, and me as we…
Helping the helpers cope with Newtown
Michele Novella and Dr. James Gordon talk before a workshop in resiliency and self-care for…
Winter Joys
We collected our glittering treasure of organic cranberries, kale, baby chard, arugula, apple cider, honey,…
Wise Council Interview
Clinical Psychologist Dr. David Van Nuys interviews Dr. James Gordon on Mind Body Medicine and…
Our work in Israel and Gaza in Jerusalem
The CG program is much needed in Israel, and is of desperate importance in Gaza…
Who Will Lead Haiti's Mental Health Recovery?
Dedicated and talented leadership teams hope to work closely with Haitians to bring relief to…
Visiting Leogane Haiti - Mind-Body Skills at Cardinal Leger Hospital
CMBM conducts a workshop at the Cardinal Leger Hospital in Haiti. Those with acute care…
Visiting Leogane: Earthquake Epicenter to become Center of Healing
Visiting Leogane, the epicenter of the earthquake.
Haiti's New President Michel Martelly, and New Hope
Political officials and leading figures gather to celebrate President Michel Martelly’s inauguration. His election brings…
Meeting Martelly: A New President for Haiti is Inaugurated
Haitian president-elect Michel Martelly visits Hotel Karibe to meet with CMBM’s US team and Haitian…
Mind-Body Medicine is “How to Heal Psychological Trauma”
...the author recognizes CMBM’s groundbreaking efforts to teach and support hundreds of thousands of people…
Food As Medicine: A feast of science & wisdom
Always lively, always cutting-edge, our core faculty and guest speakers share the very latest in…
A Story More than a Recipe: Cooking with Arran
My son Arran came up with an incredible recipe (or the start of a really,…
Quick & Dee-licious: Roasted Asparagus with Arugula & Hazelnuts
If you are ready for some fresh spring asparagus that is crisp, lemony and divine,…
Our Wonderful Alums: Mary-Beth in the Drip Room
Thank you and the staff for an incredible experience. It is still very alive for…
Alum Entrepreneur: Whole Foods Feeding Tube Formula
Robin Gentry McGee is the recipient of three recent entrepreneurial awards and will be launching…
My new friend Abate Fetel
He kindly cut one open and offered me a long, creamy white slice, with the…