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Mind-Body Medicine in Schools: Las Vegas
We look back on our work in Las Vegas and how mind-body techniques were integrated into medical school.
Mind-Body Medicine in Schools: Broward County
We look back on our work in Broward County and how mind-body techniques were integrated into the classroom.
10 Careers that Can Benefit from Mind-Body Medicine
Here are ten careers you may be surprised to learn can benefit from mind-body medicine.
Watch now: Hope and Healing for Ukraine
This short video offers a glimpse into our May 2023 trip to Ukraine, where our Hope and Healing for Ukraine advance team led workshops and…
Greater Houston Healing Collaborative is creating a healthier, more hopeful Houston
Our healing model is about so much more than sharing skills people can use to relieve trauma and build resilience in their lives. It’s about…
Hope and Healing in Ukraine
In partnership with Pact on a USAID-funded Public Health System Recovery & Resilience Activity, we are organizing and implementing a comprehensive program to train and…
Together We Rise: Building Resiliency in Uvalde
CMBM designed “Together We Rise: Building Resiliency in Uvalde” to provide its own staff and other community leaders who are serving those who are traumatized…
Back to School: Student Ambassadors Lead the Way
In honor of back-to-school season, we're celebrating the role of students in building resilient communities—from Broward County, FL to Gaza!
Help Build Resilience in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
Every month now, natural disasters devastate entire cities and regions. Across the country and around the world, hurricanes and fires, flooding and earthquakes are confronting…
Teach Youth the Skills they Need to Make a Better World
Help CMBM equip schools to teach children the skills they need to overcome adversity, build resiliency, and thrive.
In the Home of Syrian Refugees
As part of CMBM's trip to Jordan, James Gordon, MD stopped by the home of a refugee family. The experience was profound.
Meditating and Finding Solutions
Meditation is the focus of this third installment in James Gordon, MD's six part narrative of our work in Jordan for Syrian refugees.
From Grief and Stress to Laughter
Part two in James Gordon, MD's narrative of our work with Syrian refugee aid workers and refugee leaders in Jordan.
Working with Syrian Refugee Leaders and Caregivers in Jordan
The first installment in a six-part summary of our trip to Jordan to work with Syrian refugee leaders and those who provide care, James Gordon,…
Breathing in, Breathing out: Haiti’s Children
The first of a series of short videos by award-winning documentary filmmaker Tod Lending on our Global Trauma Relief work in Haiti.
Back to School: So Much / So Little
The staff at the school shared that the mind-body skills taught by Haitian CMBM graduates have helped the behavior of 60% of the older kids
What if Your Life Depended on It?
“After Katrina hit I received mops and a bucket from a disaster relief organization. From The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, I got my life back.”
Equal Opportunity Group Experience
Having facilitated mind-body skills groups in all kinds of places with all kinds of people, young and old, I have noticed so many common themes,…
Newtown: Thick with Grief, Full of Spirit– and Even Joy
CMBM’s mission is to help people recover from tragedy and Dr. Gordon first visited the Newtown area shortly after the shootings to see what we…
Community Wide Healing: New Gaza Video
Tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are using the CMBM model to repair the damaging effects of trauma and stress.
A Long Way to Go
Over the next few months, 10-week-long small group workshops will take place at the Foyer des Orphelins d’Haiti Orphanage.